New Ride For Archer

On Tuesday June 10th ToyBox International together with Dreamfit Foundation handed over a customized trike to Archer. Archer is 4 years old and has Cerebral Palsy, Cortical Visual Impairment, Global Development Delay and a Seizure disorder. 

Despite his disabilities, Archer is a gorgeous, happy, and smart little boy. He has a wicked sense of humor and everyone who meets him, falls in love with him. He absolutely loves Elmo, Woody and Doc his Hippo therapy Horse.

"As his adoring parents we want Archer to be everything that he can be. Even though we know there is no cure for his condition we want to make sure we give him every opportunity to access treatments that will get him to his maximum potential and greatly better his life experience" said Lisa and Kyle, Archers parents. 

Enjoy riding with your twin and older brother Archer! 


Freedom Fighter


Dancing Feet